Machine Learning

Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs and algorithms, which provides computers the ability to learn and to find hidden insights without being explicitly programmed.

IntelliQuest understands how best to leverage Machine Learning techniques to best solve business problems. And it uses latest data technologies underneath it all.

Microsoft Azure: Jobs, Salaries and Skills in 2018 | Provide Introduction to Azure Machine Learning - AdatisMachine Learning with Apache Spark in Singapore - Spark Streaming, PySpark,  Databricks, Spark Streaming

Deep Learning

Deep Learning (DL) is an aspect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that emulates the learning approach that human beings use to gain certain types of knowledge. With the advent of Big Data technologies and the powers of Cloud Computing, the powers of DL is within the reach of every enterprise.

IntelliQuest helps enterprises effectively harness DL technologies and turn them into profitable business ventures.

Deep learning vs. machine learning - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Docs

Artificial Intelligence

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution is gaining critical mass within enterprises worldwide. AI is transforming all functional areas. AI is elevating decision-making precision by creating efficiencies, saving costs and delivering new solutions to critical problems.

IntelliQuest helps enterprises to participate in this AI revolution and leapfrog the competition by simply being able to take better decisions.

Artificial Intelligence Archives - Nordcloud

AI ChatBots

At IntelliQuest we’re equipped to develop enterprise-grade conversational AI experiences while maintaining control of your data. Build multilingual and multimodal bots for any scenario from sales to customer support and employee productivity.

Microsoft Bot Framework